SEO and Social Media Together

It was definitely given a thought whether Social Media and SEO Could work together and can act as an successful pair, the answer by all was YES ,it can. The social media and SEO are very two different things but the only thing common between them is the the Content which do act as a glue between the both. To be successful with SEO one need to bug up and write the content according to customer needs.

Start writing the content with stuffing up all the keywords in which the customers will be interested and along with that simultaneously one can build good relations with the audience in social media ,and can engage its content on a bigger platform .To be more effective in the eyes or the mind of the buyers or customers its the social media which will take the popularity upto next level. Content engaging is also done in by writing blogs and the comments which can include links for the content we are trying to promote  back on the social media.

Social Media monitoring tools  can also be used to help you to participate in the communities where discussions are being held related to your targeted  keywords  and topics where one can follow the conversation and put one’s own points.One can only become trusted resource in online community with Participation. Social shares like Tweets, Likes, Google +1’s, etc carry weight in Google’s ranking.

To focus on Social Media ,Few things worth doing are as follows

  • One should add  Google+ buttons to your blog and websites.
  • keyword optimized, original content on Google+.
  • Content which can be  shared, such as a blog post, should be promoted  using social activities
  • Social Media like  Facebook and Twitter should have active social media presence.