Publishing Got Better

Publishing Industry has been recently not known for its own thing rather depending upon the SEO industry. Earlier It was the content ,which was the king and the one with best content was able to engage the audience with its work, but due to SEO most of the content based websites which ruled were ,who manage to engage the crawlers and get traffic to the websites.

But as nothing last forever ,last year panda update and recent update of penguin changed the world of SEO.
As old SEO was able to fool the crawler  with indexing Borderline Junk contents to produce higher rankings. But now the updated SEO will definately put the value of publishers to the next level and will favour those with quality contents and highly engaging audience. There are  two best ways to find yourself at content. First one is the search on the search engines like google or bing. The second step could be either discover or stumble via  a link or get a link from facebook or twitter etc.