Quarantine Walk around Greenwich

Due to Lockdown many of us are not able to leave our houses to continue with our routine weekend plans. Mine was to have a decent brunch in central London and then have a long walk in Hyde Park or even Visit outside London for a road trip.

and then finally I decided to step out and carry on with some kind of activity to keep myself entertained and feel better. After 3 months of Quarantine, I decided to go out during the day and enjoy my neighborhood walks. As I live in Greenwich I decided not to take the usual Cutty sark trail, which would be busy because of its popularity. I decided on the opposite.

A few minute’s walks from my house start the area of Deptford which is not that popular among tourists as its very residential. But I found something new, it was a walk along the river which actually leads to Rotherhithe and Tower Bridge and is also part not so popular route of Thames walk.

The walk was about 5KM in total and I used my Fitbit to monitor my calories and distance. I have to say I am totally loving it and I think I need to talk about this in a different post. The route passes through residential parts of Deptford for the first 15 minutes and then leads to the riverside. As soon as I finished my first 15 minutes I was by the river and the view in front of me was amazing. ( check the picture below). I could see a canary wharf just opposite me. The first thing I spotted among all the buildings was my favorite bar at the top of Novotel Building, Bokan.

It was a weekday so I was assuming it not to be busy and I was right. There were hardly any people and whoever was running/walking was practicing social Distancing. I could finally breathe the fresh air and life seemed a little normal.

I managed to get one picture without mask and gloves, I think I was getting desperate for this picture. I miss the old times when we could freely walk around.

This was all about my exciting new walk around Greenwich. But I guess this what we all need to do, appreciate what we have.