Lullingstone Country Park, UK – Ease of Lockdown

Finally, The lockdown is on ease.

Uk went on ease of Lockdown and I was all ready to be out, but was I Really?

The lockdown has been eased now and I was happy to be out. Surely central London was not on my list, so I decided to take a small trip to kent. I have always loved going to kent as its only 25 minutes’ drive from home and a complete change of scenery. Lullingstone Castle is famous for the castle of course but also for the Lullingstone country park.  It was beautiful, widespread, green, a good breeze, and no people. I posted a lot of stories on my Instagram and people were worried if it was still safe to be out or not. But yes, I myself get really paranoid when it’s about going out.

So I started my trip by deciding to take the trip in my car, which was a safe option. When I reached Lullingstone, I parked my car in the designated car park, for which I paid through the phone, but if you would like to pay cash please carry extra gloves. That’s it, this was the little process I needed to follow as it was just a park with not many people, So I would say It was pretty safe.

I enjoyed the whole day just sitting on my new mat which I ordered from Amazon, I have to say I totally love it. Do you feel we have recently started ordering a lot of things from amazon which we maybe needed before but we never ordered? Well, its the case for me. I wanted to enjoy some wine, nuts, and cheese but rather I had my Iced coffee which I made at home and took with me. Sometimes coffee is all you need.

I really enjoyed the day of doing nothing but just lying down and looking at the sky, having conversations with my friends, and staying away from my phone. I also managed to dress up a little after long, and wore my comfy outfit.  Tshirt and shorts from H&M and my Trainers, I missed wearing them.

I think If we all take precautions we can still enjoy what we have right now rather then complaining about what we don’t.