What is Mentorship and Why is it Important ?

Most people think that a mentor is someone who stands over you and gives you feedback all the time. But what if you had to depend on someone else to help you solve your problems? What if they had a way to help you at any time? What is mentorship? What is it? And Why do we need it in our lives?  What are the best ways to make the most out of your relationship with an advisor? How can you improve your relationship with a mentor? In this short article, I will answer these questions and explain how to find a good mentor, what type of advisor one should choose, some common mistakes that people make in their relationships with advisors, as well as some key pointers on how to build a successful mentoring relationship. I am sharing my experience and knowledge while working as a mentor with the University of Greenwich for the last 3 years but also have been mentoring students at different universities, colleges and organizations.

The goal here is not teaching how to be a perfect mentor but rather how to be an effective and useful mentor for others.

Introduction to the topic of mentorship- what it is, why it’s important, and how to find a mentor.

It’s easy to believe that anyone can be a mentor. But there are four barriers to mentorship success:

1) A mentor must have the knowledge, skills and abilities of mentoring, as well as the ability to communicate these in a way that inspires their mentee to better themselves.

2) A mentor must be committed to the growth of their mentee’s career and life, which is not always possible when they are busy running their own business or pursuing a personal interest.

3) A mentor must be able to lead by example when it comes to learning how to become successful in their chosen field and profession.

4) A mentor must also be willing to take some responsibility for the success of their mentees, careers.

These four barriers represent two key ingredients for successful mentoring: knowledge and skills. Knowledge is everything we’re talking about here — the wisdom associated with being able to share specific ideas and information with your mentee so she may learn from them. Skills are what we mean by “mentorship,” and they include English proficiency, communication skills, professional experience (be it 10 years or 10 minutes), and gender neutrality (i.e., not assuming women are less capable than men).

The benefits of having a mentor- from personal and professional development to gaining access to valuable resources and contacts

Mentorship is your opportunity to get a window into how you’re doing everything and everyone in your life, to gain access to resources while gaining valuable information. In terms of career development, mentorship can act as a bridge to your future professional goals.

In terms of personal development, mentorship gives you the ability to ask questions and explore topics that you may not be comfortable asking anyone else. It’s also a great way to learn about the world around you and how it works.

Some tips on how to find a mentor who is a good fit for you and your needs

Getting mentored can feel like digging a well in the desert. There’s no telling how deep it will go and if there is water to be found. The barometer of success isn’t a level of knowledge, but rather the ability to connect with one another and work as equals.

Mentors are people who give you their time, energy and resources not only to help you but also to learn how they can incorporate their own experiences into your career. Unfortunately, finding a mentor is tough because there are so many people out there vying for that title. It may seem like everyone wants the same thing — which is just a way of saying “I want my name on the list” — but that doesn’t mean that everyone wants it equally.

A little advice on how to make the most of your mentorship relationship

What are mentorship relationships? Mentorship relationships exist between people who give advice. They can be formal or informal. There are many different types of relationships and forms. Some of the most common forms of mentorship include:
1) Advice from teachers (scholars, professionals, mentors)

2) Advice from peers colleagues (mentors/sponsors)

3) Careers advice (interns, fellows, students).

4) Other forms of mentorship include: – Peer counselling peer coaching – Personal development – Self-development – Relationship counselling – Relationship building – Relationship maintenance – Relationship development – Firm support


The first thing one can do is to join or signup with a Mentor. After getting to know each other better, the mentor can start building a relationship where they can influence the mentees in ways that are beneficial to them both. For example – helping the mentees with their career decisions can lead them down pathways they wouldn’t otherwise have chosen on their own.

In terms of factors that affect success in mentorship – being able to relate well with others and be able to communicate effectively; being able to think critically and creative; having an open mind and being honest; having patience; knowing how important it is for the mentors to set realistic expectations for themselves (because this will help them evaluate what they are realistically capable of accomplishing); being patient enough not only with each other but also with yourself (because if you aren’t patient enough towards yourself your efforts won’t last).