The Winter Walk Challenge – London 2022 10KM Marathon

So how did you start your 2022? Well,  excited much I started my 2022 with fitness and challenging myself. The initiative began when I decided to participate and challenge my body with a 10 km winter walk organised by action challenge in London. I generally love walks and try and do a minimum of 10,000 steps a day for my fitness or mental health but doing for completion pushed me out of my comfort zone.

I started the event from the famous oval stadium in London. The event began at 11 am sharp with lots of energy and enthusiastic contestants participating with different goals. My goal was pretty straightforward, with focusing on myself and my fitness. I didn’t want to compete with anyone but myself. The event helped us overcome post covid phobia, and life felt back as a routine; as for me, this was the first event post covid.

The event was a 10 km route walk for individuals. All contestants were given maps, to begin with, along with winter caps and bandana to keep us warm during the trek. The overall run was moderate and could be completed by the primary walker.

I completed the event in 1 hour 41 minutes. I was happy, tired and felt mentally much more vital. Post-event contestants were provided with meals to gear up the energy to head back home. My overall experience was great, and I can’t wait for the next 15 Km challenge.