Rochester, Hidden Spot Near London

Rochester, one of the historic towns only 45 minutes away from London is one of the hidden spots situated in Kent, the garden of England. The town is still related to Charles Dickens and as it’s said that Charles Dickens spent his childhood in Medway before becoming a successful author. The king’s school known as the second oldest continuously running a school in the world is also in Rochester.

Rochester is known for a major civic and military history.

The best day to go to Rochester would be on a nice sunny day. The drive from Southeast London will only take 40 minutes and will mostly be a motorway. Once you are in the town, you will be about to see lots of tiny lanes and old houses.

The city has a different vibe and is famous for its history and culture. The high street in the city, which I was very excited about is some old shops adding character to it and nothing compared to the busy High Streets in London. They are narrow and pretty. Most of the places are old boutique furniture shops or tea rooms. If you like vintage decor items, do check out some local shops.

There are a lot of Places to see in rochester but my favourite was the Rochester Cathedral, Rochester Castle and the Riverside. As its the lowest bridging point of the river Medway.

After a beautiful afternoon in Rochester, we decided to travel to Isle of Grain another 25 minutes drive from Rochester Town. I have to admit this was the most beautiful drive near London. It was a bright day with beautiful Sun shining and empty roads and not because it was Sunday but in general its not a very populated area. The Isle of Grain is the last town of England and known for the seaside coastal park. One should definitely visit if interested in exploring walking trails.