London Fashion Weekend 2014

21 February, 2014, a day well spent at the famous Somerset House in Aldwych, London, United Kingdom.  It’s London Fashion Weekend, sponsored by Vodafone. A bright sunny day made the event look more amazing, with showcasing Britain’s best designer collection and catwalks.A well organised event giving chance to the

visitors, to visit the event with there own budget. From the selection of three different tickets: Bronze, Silver and Gold, people were able to view different part of the event. It had beautiful industry talks by some of the famous brand owners. Maybelline had its own make up section where, the company provided people with free makeup tutorials and giving them free skin advice. Companies like Muiller were providing free yogurts to all the visitors, which definitely acted as an refreshing and motivational agent while going through the massive collection of designers.

The event was live and full of exciting things from free make up advice to sunglasses design collection, showcasing some new upcoming spring trends of 2014. The event was for for good 6 hours giving chance to explore every section thoroughly.

Some exclusive pop shops by the new upcoming designers were in every corner to have a look at the passion about fashion in designers from London. The Location of the event made it more dramatically amazing , with giving it good effects in the background and even inside of the somerset house. Every room of the hall was designed according to the need of the designer to showcase its collection in its own way.