Glimpse Magazine Feature : Aprajita Kohli

I  would like to express my gratitude for the excellent interview which was conducted by Miss Manokriti from The Glimpse Magazine. I believe to spread positive and real exposure to young women entrepreneurs and pass the message of encouragement among other upcoming entrepreneurs.

The interview shares the journey of starting a business in a new country, the goals, and also the challenges faced. The entire staff at Megrisoft appreciated the professionalism with which the interview was conducted and presented. Since the interview lot of new young entrepreneurs have outreached for collaborations and we have built new strategies for women empowerment within our business.

I hope to maintain this upward momentum of motivation and inspiration for many young colleagues and leaders in the industry. As one of the women empowerment focussed firms in this area, we are indeed grateful for your willingness to include us in your Magazine. Please extend our thanks to everyone involved.

Director Desk

Aprajita Kohli