My few Words on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The word SEO has a great use in today’s world, where everyday millions of websites are being made on same keyword . To increase the visibility of one’s website and to rank it on higher results in the search of a keyword SEO was introduced.  SEO is a textual composition for web page marketing that emphasize on skillful manipulation of the page’s wording to make it rank on the first results of a user’s search list.

SEO is the activity of optimizing web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly and getting higher position in search results.It is considered as the technical part of web marketing, as it helps in promotion of sites . SEO helps one to increase the traffic to one‘s website.  All search engines rank websites by the quality of incoming links to a site from other website.  If it is elaborated it explains that a link from a page to another page is viewed in Google eyes as a vote for that page the link points to.

SEO is also the main component of Internet marketing, as if there is no seo ,then internet marketing is not possible ,as if the optimization of a website is not done it will definitely effect the business related to that website and will definitely be not successful.