Privacy And Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that the web browser generates if an individual takes a look at the website or a blog. Cookies act as a great means to the user as it identifies them the preferred related settings or information that the user looked up to in the form of computer files instead of store large amount of information. This all means that the next time when a user visits the same website, he or she do not need to put the login details.  To know more about cookies, click here.

We at blog traces the number of visitors with the help of  Google Analytics tool, the lookout time of the users, how many times they often return to the blog and many more. This process is done with the help of cookies.

Many web browsers avail the turn off cookies option for the site visitors who do not want cookies to be stored. Look here, if you want help.

If you leave a comment, then the login data like Name or Email you entered, not share with anyone and not stored at all, only the blog editor access them.

If you have any query related to Privacy Policy please reach us at

Last updated: 11th March 2019